Thank you letter from R.I. 3480, RAC of Taipei
Dear Formosa Rotaractors,
It is very nice to receive the feedback from you and from Uncle Pres. Wedding and Pres. Angie.
Again, we do appreciate of your kind assistance in helping us moving on the project so hard. An event could never be successful if there's without people devoting themselves, how lucky we were to invite you and your sponsoring club to assist the event together. That was indeed a successful one which not only maintaining the cleanness of the environment but also building a cooperation relationship between four clubs. The clean-up was able to proceed smoothly because all of you, nevertheless we had so much fun enjoying the game Claire organized.
We would like to present our thankfulness of all of your participation, please forward our appreciation to all of the attendees! We had enjoyed the day a lot and we wish you did as well. We are looking forward of having more interaction with your clubs afterwards!
For the event pictures of our club are now ready at:
Please feel free to share them with your members and it will be nice if we could have some of yours later on.
Cheers in Rotaract,
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