2011年2月26日 星期六

P.E. Color參加聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社(Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)"年度計畫會議"致謝詞

Dear President OPEE, P.E. Sam and all fellow members of the Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew
親愛的社長OPEE,社長當選人Sam以及所有聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社(Parañaque - St. Andrew)的所有社友們~

Thank you for your hospitality in these days.
With your guide, we got familiar with your community.
We can not wait to share what we see and hear in Philippines with our members.

For the two great community service projects, "E-Library" and "Saving Parañaque River, Giving Hope, Building Communities"
Please allow us to express our respect for your contribution
We'll bring these informations back to Taiwan and discuss how to cooperate with you via "M.G."

At last, we are on behalf of our club sincerely invite you to visit Taiwan and to participate in our regular meeting.
Through the interaction, we hope we could understand each other more deeply.
Also, we expect the friend club fellowship could be established successfully.
Hope to see you soon in Taiwan.

Best regards

Rotary Club of Sanchung North
P.E. Color 社當 楊洋洲
February 26, 2011

圖片(Photos) / I.P.P. Wedding

2011年2月24日 星期四

2011-02-24 拜訪菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)

與菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)一起合影
菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)
Singing The National Anthem Republic of China
參加菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)例會
與菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)交換社旗
助理總監 A.G. Chemi 以及P.P. Tsai 一起與菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)社長 P. OPEE 合影
蘆洲重陽社 I.P.P. Gino 以及P.P. Tsai 一起與菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)社長 P. OPEE 合影
菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)社友為我們別上該社社徽
菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)社長 P. OPEE 率領副社長 V.P. John 以及社友等至機場親自接機
菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)社長 P. OPEE 率領副社長 V.P. John 以及社友等至機場親自接機
抵達飯店後與重陽社的菲律賓姊妹社 P.P. Willy 等一起合影
25,FEB. 2011菲律賓聖安德魯潘那奎扶輪社 (Rotary Club of Parañaque - St. Andrew)社當 P.E. SAM 親至機場迎接三重北區社 I.P.A.G. Kemon & P.E. Color 抵達馬尼拉

圖片(Photos) / I.P.P. Wedding

2011年2月22日 星期二
